How can I support your foundation?

We would love any help we can get! Please send me an email at Based on where you live, we can visit about needs in your area. Please also direct any newly diagnosed families to our website. If you have an endocrinologist who would like additional resources, we are happy to mail them informational booklets and kits. And, we are always fundraising so that we

2018-02-12T09:00:46-06:00February 1st, 2018|Comments Off on How can I support your foundation?

What are some easy low-carb snacks to get started?

Please see the links I have to our favorites on Amazon. We are a busy family and we travel often for sports. Ready-made snacks are a necessity, and we have found many that are friendly on River's blood sugars.

2018-02-12T08:59:44-06:00February 1st, 2018|Comments Off on What are some easy low-carb snacks to get started?

What does the 83 number mean?

83 is the ideal blood sugar for EVERYONE. A healthy adult without type 1 diabetes who is at an ideal body weight will likely have average blood sugars of 83. Healthy children have average blood sugars that are even lower. We believe that everyone has the right to normal blood sugars.

2018-02-12T08:56:31-06:00February 1st, 2018|Comments Off on What does the 83 number mean?

What is the law of small numbers?

Big inputs make big mistakes; small inputs make small mistakes. By keeping carbohydrate consumption and insulin doses smaller, there is a smaller chance of error that may cause a hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic event. Learn more here.

2018-02-12T08:55:58-06:00February 1st, 2018|Comments Off on What is the law of small numbers?

Do kids need carbs to grow?

The short answer is NO. Growth is complicated but is primarily driven by dietary protein and functional demand. Kids need protein foods, micronutrients, sufficient calories and normal blood sugars. High blood sugars inhibit growth hormone, so a high carbohydrate diet may actually stunt the growth of a child with type 1 diabetes. Learn more here.

2018-02-12T09:02:12-06:00February 1st, 2018|Comments Off on Do kids need carbs to grow?

Why did you start a non-profit?

I started Let Me Be 83 because, in my heart, I believe that every family should be given a choice at diagnosis as to how they want to manage this disease. They can either follow the ADA guidelines and count carbohydrates and dose insulin, OR they can learn about using low carb nutrition and different insulins to achieve normal blood sugars. Had I been presented

2018-02-09T12:21:32-06:00February 1st, 2018|Comments Off on Why did you start a non-profit?

What is your background?

I used to work as a bariatric consultant setting up gastric bypass practices across the Midwest. This was my first exposure to patients with type 2 diabetes. I come from a medical family. My father, brother, cousin, husband, son, 2 brothers-in-law and sister-in-law are all physicians. You can imagine our conversations at Thanksgiving! I tell you this because I love and trust doctors, and that's

2018-02-09T12:20:33-06:00February 1st, 2018|Comments Off on What is your background?

How long have you been doing this?

We changed River's diet on July 6th, 2016. This was after having hit rock bottom on the evening of July 5th. My husband and I left River home with a nanny for the first time ever to go see Adele in concert. River had his scariest night of blood sugars ever, and I wasn't there to protect him. I reached out to the big diabetes

2018-02-09T12:19:31-06:00January 31st, 2018|Comments Off on How long have you been doing this?

How long does it take to see results?

Basically, immediately. I always ask people to start with breakfast. Try low carb pancakes JUST ONCE and you'll see how much better your blood sugars are THAT very day. It takes a few weeks to a few months to master dosing for protein and adjusting basal rates down, as most people need to do once they go low carb. It takes time to observe how

2018-02-09T12:18:37-06:00January 31st, 2018|Comments Off on How long does it take to see results?

How do you dose for protein?

Please see Dr. Bernstein's video on how to dose for protein in our resource section. We use R insulin, as Dr. Bernstein suggests, to cover the slow breakdown of protein into glucose. The action profile of R works perfectly to keep blood sugars stable after a high protein meal.

2018-02-09T12:17:54-06:00January 31st, 2018|Comments Off on How do you dose for protein?
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