Here’s a quickie. Go Cubs!
River was challenged today by one of his classmates to find a way to make low-carb cheez its.
Ingredients: cheese.
That’s it!
I used the organic Colby Jack squares from Costco.
Lay them on parchment paper (a must) and use a pizza wheel to slice them into squares.
Bake at 300 degrees for 30 minutes.
Let them cool. Use a paper towel to blot excess oil, and voila, low-carb Cheez Its.
Even Clover could make this snack!
*before you go calling me the next Julia Child, this isn’t my recipe.
Disclaimer: I’m not a chef, I’m not a nutritionist, and I’m not a doctor. I don’t love to cook but I DO love the way the food in the recipe above allows my dude with Type 1 Diabetes to maintain stable, healthy blood sugars. I share this recipe with you because I have found it to be quick and easy to prepare. Through trial and error, I have also discovered the best way to dose insulin for this recipe so that River’s blood sugar doesn’t spike. Everyone with diabetes responds differently to certain foods, so you may find that this recipe doesn’t offer the same benefit to you. Please consult your physician for proper insulin dosing, and as always, use caution when adding a new type of food to your diet. I recommend using a continuous glucose monitor and/or frequent finger pokes to best monitor the effects of a new food on blood sugars.