Adelyn L.

“I am sure no parent ever forgets their kids T1D diagnosis day. Our daughter happened to be diagnosed on New Year’s Day 2021, the ultimate day of New Beginnings.

She was three at the time and we’d been having some suspicions for a couple months.  She checked off some things on a list to watch for Type 1 Diabetes, but excessive hunger & thirst, bed-wetting, & temper tantrums also checked off typical three-year old behaviors.  She hadn’t felt well for months but she couldn’t express it.  October through December is the trifecta of the high treat holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, & Christmas), we were unknowingly assaulting her failing pancreas and as the clock struck midnight to welcome in the New Year; I was rushing to the ER with my baby being in DKA.

We were fortunate enough that another mother gave us Dr. Bernstein’s name and our copy of the Diabetes Solution book was ordered before leaving the hospital. Thankfully after our first month we found Let Me Be 83 and a supportive parenting community who helped us further navigate better nutrition and safe insulin strategy.  We are still early in this journey, but by 7months she had gone from an A1C of 12.1 to a healthy A1C of 4.9.

This is Adelyn; a spunky, strong-willed, solar-flare of sunshine.  I like to say she marches to the beat of her own slide-whistle.  She is uniquely equipped to do daily battle with her body’s math and the law of small numbers removes headache & heartache from the equation. Diabetes is a long-road but our road is paved with health, happiness and hope.

Until there’s a cure; there’s a solution.  We want to support the sharing of this solution and allow other families the same opportunity to turn an initially terrifying diagnosis into a beautiful New Beginning.”


Diagnosis Date: 1/1/2021

Fundraising Goal: $1,000

$208 of $1,000 raised
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Donation Total: $1

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